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Cassava planting techniques

Release Time:2020-08-06 19:31Author:sd888Source:未知

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The growth of cassava depends on the tropical climate and warm weather for at least eight months. The plant likes well-drained soil and moderate rainfall, but it can survive in moist soil. The cassava root cannot tolerate freezing temperatures. The best growth is In full sunlight. From start to harvest, it can take up to 18 months to grow cassava. Plants start with propagules made from parts of mature stems. These are 2 to 3 inch cuttings with several bud nodes along the length. Put the cut soil in a pot and keep it slightly misted in a sunny place. Grow cuttings indoors until the outside temperature is at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). When the cuttings germinate and grow at least 2 inches, they should be transplanted outside.
Cassava plant care
The cassava plant produces huge ornamental leaves. They can thrive in summer in most parts of the United States. The increase in temperature promotes the fastest growth. There are several chewing pests that can cause leaf damage, but other than that, cassava is relatively disease-free. Good cassava plant care should include the use of slow-release fertilizers in the spring. Keep plants moderately moist. To protect plants, move them indoors before freezing temperatures. In winter, cassava is in a warm, well-lit place and transplanted outside when the soil warms up.
Cassava requires at least 8 months of frost-free weather to take root. It is easy to grow and harvest cassava roots. The roots can be harvested, cooked, and eaten as soon as they are formed, but if you are looking for some bumper products, you may want to take a while. Some early cassava varieties can be harvested 6-7 months after planting. However, most varieties of cassava usually have a plump harvestable size around 8-9 months.
You can leave cassava in the ground for up to two years, but be aware that at the end of that period, the roots will become tough, woody and fibrous. It is best to pick cassava plants around the first year. Before harvesting the whole cassava plant, it is recommended to check the dark brown flaky root to see if it suits you, not only in terms of size, but also from a culinary point of view. Using a trowel, gently do some exploratory digging next to the plant. Facilitate your search by knowing that cassava roots can usually be found in the first few inches of the soil and tend to grow up and away from the main stem. Once you find the roots, try to massage the dirt on the roots with your hands to expose it. Cut off the tapered neck of the plant stem. Boil your cassava root and conduct a taste test. If the taste and texture are beneficial to you, you can harvest cassava plants! Also, remember to boil, because the boiling process removes the toxins present in the original form.

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